Content Guidelines


NexusDik Content Guidelines

NexusDiktionary is made by the Citizens of Los Santos, including you. Anybody can post a definition, but in order to keep things fun for everyone, we ask that you follow a few ground rules:

✅ What's Allowed?
  • Create your definitions to appeal to a wide audience. When you're defining a word, be sure to provide enough background so that everyone can understand its meaning and how it is normally used.
  • Embrace your creativity. The most memorable entries on Diktionary often humorously critique authority or ingeniously comment on contemporary events. Others are simply bizarre. And that's perfectly acceptable to us.
  • Enjoy the program. We break away from traditional dictionary expectations. Here, language enjoys greater freedom for spontaneous exploration and creation.
🛑 What's not Allowed?
  • Don't be a dick. We accept definitions of vulgar terms, acknowledging its presence in everyday speech and the value in comprehending these expressions. Yet, we firmly stand against deploying definitions to bully, discriminate, or incite violence against anyone.
  • Anything in violation of the NewDayRP Rules.

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